Synchronicity & Time Zone Art

Check out this video from the ‘Timeshift 2020: Activating Galactic Culture‘ Event where Omboy Rॐ explains synchronicity and the two ways of seeing the world. Synchronicity as coincidence (materialism/escapism) or Synchronicity as being in alignment with your true path.

Self-proclaimed Chrononaut, Omboy Rॐ, or Rome for short, is a Brooklyn born artist harnessing his creativity for a higher purpose. Dedicated to inspire, Rome believes music and other forms of art are the holonomic key to engendering the New Earth. Fully embodying his Galactic Signature as a Blue Cosmic Monkey, Omboy’s mission is simple: to transcend society’s constructs and further facilitate our transition from living in the confines of artificial time to living in sync with the most harmonic standard of natural time. Initially activated by his passion for holistic medicine, Rome has rare exuberance and patience when it comes to offering guidance on living a balanced, high vibrational lifestyle. Through his offerings of sacred sound, as a creator of Cosmic Hip Hop music, and with his study of Permaculture, Rome is a true steward of the Earth. Learn more about the documentary film featuring his story and music.

Also check out this new lyric video for his latest song with Dream Circle.

Numbers are the Universal Language

On 11/11 in 2015, exactly 4 years ago, we premiered Time is Art: Synchronicity and the Collective Dream to a sold out theater in New York City. The documentary also screened in San Francisco and Austin and eventually all over the world. It was truly a miracle we were able to complete the film on time in order to premiere it in theaters by this self-imposed, yet magical, deadline. Looking back, although our anxiety was at times unbearable, I’ll never forget the standing ovation we received at the end of the premiere (and also the clapping after the first 15 minutes). The introduction and so many scenes of the film had been recut so many times, you have no idea! Thankfully we had the guidance and clarity of mind to manifest our dream to make a film for the Awakened Ones on the planet.

In celebration of our 4 year anniversary, the first 11 people who discover this link can have the film, soundtrack & bonus scenes for FREE. Just Click here!

Don’t forget to follow the making of the second film Time is Art: The Frequency of Love by subscribing to our Youtube channel. (Coming 2020). Help us out on the production cost by becoming a patron – we are independent recording artists, film directors/producers and editors.

Numbers are the Universal language offered by the deity to humans as confirmation of the truth. – St. Augustine of Hippo (A.D. 354 – 430)

Coming 2020
Time is Art: The Frequency of Love, a new documentary film

The Secret Meaning of Numbers

Numbers have a way of taking a man by the hand and leading him down the path of reason. – Pythagoras

via Loner Wolf
It was the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras who first popularized the idea that all numbers have different vibrational properties. Since then, modern science and mathematics have proven that the world conforms to precise geometric mathematical principles. These principles govern everything from gravity to the movements of animals and the habits of humanity.

11:11, time is art, 1111
Still from Time is Art: Synchronicity & the Collective Dream

It was from Pythagoras’ discoveries about the world that the ancient system of Numerology was developed. Some scholars even believe that Numerology pre-dates Pythagoras and derives from the ancient mystical Hebrew Kabbalah which is thousands of years old.

Numerology is a system of divination which assigns various numbers unique meanings based on mathematical principles. According to numerology, everything can be calculated such as birth dates, names, and places to uncover deeper hidden truths.

11 11 Meaning

According to numerology, the number 11 is a “master number” which signifies intuition, insight, and enlightenment. When paired together, 11 11 is a clear message from the universe to become conscious and aware. Many people suggest that seeing 11 11 signifies that your spirit guides are attempting to contact you. In my experience, 11 11 seems to be the number of spiritual awakening, signifying that you are on the right path and your actions are aligned with your Soul’s purpose. In other words, seeing 11 11 is a good sign! An energetic doorway is being opened in which you will experience spiritual growth.

11 11 meaning in summary: You are on the right path and you’re being assisted by your Soul, spirit guides, and the Universe to consciously grow and expand. Pay attention, be aware, and remember to stay grounded in the present moment. You are going through a spiritual awakening process and you’re being asked to tune into the love and synchronistic guidance that is always available to you. Many profound changes will begin to occur in your life. Remember to stay open!

mayan, 11:11

What Do I Do After Seeing 11 11?

As you consciously expand, you will find yourself seeing numbers such as 11 11 more and more. These instances are known as synchronicity, because you are in the divine flow of life. Personally, I would see 11 11 and other repetitive numbers sometimes four or five times a day as I began to experience a spiritual awakening. All of these numbers seemed to anchor me into the present moment and the truth I was experiencing. I would always feel more grounded and lovingly guided during these periods, knowing that there was “something happening” beyond the veil of physical reality.

In order to make the most of this energetic “doorway,” you might like to adopt a few practices:

1. 11 11 meaning and your life

Ask yourself, “What does 11 11 signify to me?” In other words, when you see this number, how do you feel or what thoughts arise in your head? Your 11 11 meaning will often vary each time you see it. For example, one moment it might mean “pay attention!” and on another day it might mean “you are on the right path, keep going.”

2. Stay open and receptive

Be alert to new opportunities for growth. 11 11 often signifies that a period of change is about to start within you. Remember that all people, feelings, and situations that you come across are chances to spiritually evolve.

3. Remain grounded and present

Our tendency to live through the mind creates immense stress and anxiety. During this awakening period, try to stay grounded in the present moment. You might like to practice mindfulnessdeep breathing or meditation to help you stay centered. The more present you can be, the more you will be available for growth.

4. Show gratitude

Life responds positively to gratitude. Even the simplest act of giving thanks for what you have and the guidance you’re receiving, uplifts your spirit immediately. Gratitude opens the heart, and when your heart is open, it is ready to expand. Some cultures like the Peruvian Q’ero people, even create gratitude offerings to the earth known as despachos. Why not create one yourself?

5. Ask for guidance when needed

All of us, no matter who we are or what period of life we’re in, need help. If you need advice or help, reach out to someone you trust. Speak with a close friend, family member, spiritual guide or best of all, your own Soul. One of the simplest but most effective ways to receive guidance, in my experience, is saying a prayer. Address your prayer to whomever or whatever you believe in, whether that be God, Goddess, Allah, Krishna, Life or Spirit. I prefer to address my prayers to my Soul.

The Power of Spirit Guides

To many people, spirit guides are entities that we choose or are helpers that are assigned to us before birth.


by Kat Fedora

To others, spirit guides represent parts of our unconscious minds that symbolically help us to find wholeness. And still, to other people, spirit guides are parts of our higher selves that reveal themselves to us in various shapes and forms.

No matter what you think of spirit guides, and no matter how “new age” or “down-to-earth” your understanding is, it is beyond doubt that we all need guidance, direction and support in life beyond our own capabilities, or those who surround us.

Spirit guides, like many other elements of spirituality, have been heavily sullied, monetized and commercialized both on the internet and in real life, but despite the apparent tarnishing of their value, spirit guides are nevertheless a shared human experience.

Spirit guides are often thought as spirits that guide us, but in my experience with them, they are universal forces that guide our spirits to greater clarity, freedom, joy, and peace.

If you are just beginning your journey of connecting with your spirit guide, keep reading.

What Are Spirit Guides

Our spirit guides are universal forces that are here to help us. A spirit guide can be an angel, animal, mythical creature, ancestor, ancient god or goddess, otherworldly entity, or interdimensional being.

At the most basic level, a spirit guide is a type of energy that is embodied in an array of different forms. Spirit guides are archetypal forces; aspects of life which teach, warn, support, comfort, remind and reveal things that we need to learn about ourselves in order to grow.

Do spirit guides actually exist on another dimension? Or are they all inside the mind? Here’s the thing: I can’t answer that for you. It’s one of the great mysteries of life! Only you can decide that for yourself.

You might also be wondering whether we have many spirit guides or just one?

Personally, I divide spirit guides into two categories: our major guides, and our minor guides. Major guides typically accompany us throughout our lives and help us to learn major life lessons. Minor guides are temporary and help with daily concerns or issues that we struggle with.

In other words, yes, I believe we have multiple spirit guides. Some we are born with, others visit us sporadically during the course of life.

My Experience With Spirit Guides

Okay, I’ve got to admit: by nature, I’m a skeptical person.

I don’t like believing something unless I’m practically hit in the face with it. Evidence has to basically be falling down from the sky and crushing me flat until I relent and open my eyes.

Until about four years ago, spirit guides were just new age mumbo jumbo to me. I ignorantly assigned them to the crystal healing and fortune telling category. In essence, I judged and dismissed that which I had not yet experienced. (Hey, aren’t we all guilty of that?)

So it was with great shock and awe that I came across my first spirit guide. This experience happened on a series of shamanic trips I shared with my partner Mateo. I went into the experience with my mind half open, and half closed from disbelief. “Will this actually work?” a part of me wondered.

But holding the intention to meet my spirit guide strongly in mind, I eventually met him – Panthe god of the wild places. For thirty minutes or more I saw this half-man half-goat guide me down into my inner Underworld. It was Pan that initiated me into my Shadow Work journey. But it didn’t just stop there, through the next coming years, I continued to see Pan every so often in daily life and in my dreams. Not only that, but I continued to meet more spirit guides. The floodgates had been opened!

If you are dubious about the existence of spirit guides like I was, I encourage you to at least try it before you brush it off. Acknowledge the possibility that you might be wrong. Allow a margin of error. On the other hand, if you believe in the existence of spirit guides – if you have had direct experience with them, but seek a stronger connection – you will find some helpful advice below.

7 Types of Spirit Guides

Right now, it seems to be a common trend to believe that spirit guides are primarily animals or angelic beings – but this is only one small dimension of the many possibilities that exist out there.

Spirit guides, I believe, can have unlimited shapes and forms. A spirit guide could just as easily be a soft gust of air that makes the hairs on your arm stand up, as it could be a full-blown godly being that you meet during a shamanic journey.

There are so many possibilities out there, and below I will break down the main “types,” “species” or forms of spirit guides which you might encounter on your path. Remember, you can have more than one, and most people often do!

1. Half Man Half Beast (Trans-Species)

Many spirit guides manifest themselves as half man/woman and half animal. Examples include centaurs, fauns, harpies, mermaids, sphinxes, fairies, and minotaurs. Many deities also appear as spirit guides, for instance, Anubis (jackal-headed Egyptian god), Ganesha (elephant-headed Indian god), Ra (falcon head, human body), etc. The first ever spirit guide that I personally made contact with was Pan, a half man half goat entity, who “revealed” to me my own personal shadow self and the need for me to embark on a journey of healing my core wounds.

2. Animals/Totems

Animals are well-known spirit guides and have gained a lot of popularity over the past few years, perhaps thanks to their accessibility in our everyday lives. Some ancient cultures, such as the indigenous Americans and Chinese, held animals as sacred representations of their tribes or lineages. These days, animals come to represent and reflect a person’s own inner yearnings and needs, moving from group use to more personal and individual use in this day and age. I wrote an article on animal spirit guides here.

3. Light Beings

Many people describe “light beings” (also commonly known as guardian angels), as being their spirit guides. Light beings are said to help people move through traumatic areas of life such as death, loss, and grief. Light beings are called such because of their tendency to appear bright, glowing or full of light.

4. Ancestors

Ancestral guides are entities that have some kind of blood connection to us and our lineage. An ancestral guide could be a recently deceased member of your family (mother, father, aunt, grandfather), or a long-dead relative that you have perhaps never met in your lifetime. When I have done shamanic journeying in the past, I have connected with what I consider my ancestors. To me, they appeared as shadowy beings that felt distinctly familiar. They taught me that although I felt alone and isolated in my current family, I am part of something vastly larger. The messages that our ancestors bring can be beautiful and life-changing.

5. Plants

Shamans believe that the world and everything in it is composed of vibrant, living energy. This includes plants. Ayahuasca – a psychoactive brew that is made out of a vine commonly found in Peru – is one of the most well-known ways of getting in touch with the spirits of nature. Interestingly the Banisteriopsis Caapi (Ayahuasca) vine is known as “the vine of the souls,” and it is common for all those taking it to feel guided by the plant into the realms of inner and outer existence. The same can be said for many other psychoactive (and non-psychoactive plants). Plants can either be symbolic, like in pagan traditions that associate certain qualities with certain plants, or experiential, where ingesting the plant stimulates mental, physical, and emotional expansion.

6. Gods and Goddesses

Gods and goddesses have been worshiped, feared and written about since the dawn of time. They span across every culture, every tradition, every religion and every part of the world. Common gods and goddesses that serve as spirit guides include Athena, Quan Yin, Apollo, Lakshmi, Lugh, Kali, Hathor, Horus, The Green Man, and Selene.

7. Ascended Masters

Ascended masters are beings that have already lived on this earth but have become enlightened, awakened or have transcended the cycle of reincarnation. Thus, ascended masters represent the ultimate teachers and gateways to the divine. It is said that ascended masters, like all spirit guides, teach all people who call on them (not just you) to achieve greater wholeness and harmony in life. Common examples include Krishna, Jesus, Confucius, Kuthumi, Melchizedek, Mary the Mother of Jesus, Babaji, Gautama Buddha, and many others.

9 Ways to Connect With Your Spirit Guides

This article is not about invoking spirit guides, as in calling on a guide who you believe will help you. Instead, this article focuses on how to reveal the spirit guides who have already been assigned to you and your life.

With that said, here are some different ways to connect with your guides:

by Kat Fedora

1. Scrying

Scrying is the ancient divinatory practice of gazing into a reflective surface, such as water, mirrors, or crystal balls to receive esoteric information. From a psychological perspective, scrying helps you to get in touch with your unconscious mind and the important guidance which may be locked away within it.

Scrying is, however, something that must be practiced consistently – it is not easy. But if you are a visually-based person (i.e. one who receives insight through pictures, also known as clairvoyance), it is worth committing to. In order to connect with your spirit guide via scrying, set an intention to ‘see’ your guide. You may like to say a mantra or prayer to communicate with your guide your desire to meet them. Read more about scrying.

2. Dream Work

Just before going to bed, set the intention to see, meet, or speak with your spirit guide within your dreams. Continue this practice for two weeks and see what happens. When you wake up, note any strange figures or unusual patterns that emerge in your dream. The goal is to find repetition: what messages or dream beings keep appearing?

Sometimes our spirit guides don’t directly reveal themselves, but instead symbolically reveal who they are to us. Take note of symbols that keep emerging and journal about them. What do they mean? Once you have a strong inkling of who/what your guide is, thank them. Continue to ask for guidance and for their appearance in your dreams before going to bed. Practicing lucid dreaming is also a powerful way to contact your spirit guides.

3. Silence Your Mind

One of the best ways to contact your spirit guides is by silencing your mind through practices such as meditation or mindfulness. Here is one simple practice:

Sit or lie down in a quiet place that is undisturbed by other people. Focus on your back or thighs as they come in contact with the ground. Notice the rising and falling of your chest. Listen to the sounds around you. Focus on being present in the Now. If you have raging thoughts, jump up and down for a little bit (to expel the frantic energy from your body), then resume your meditation. Let your thoughts become like a stream. Sit down and watch that stream as a silent observer. Don’t try to fight these thoughts, just let them flow. When you feel ready, ask to hear the name or see the face of your spirit guide. You might need to wait for a while, so be patient. Let go of expectations (they will block what you are about to receive).

Journal about your experiences afterward. If you struggle with this practice, don’t worry. Most people do. Just practice it for 10 minutes a day, and see what happens.

4. Bibliomancy

Bibliomancy is the practice of seeking spiritual insight by opening a book at a random place. This form of divination was popular in the middle ages, but it continues to be an interesting way of gaining guidance. Here is how to use bibliomancy to connect with your spirit guides:

Go to your personal library or collection of books. (Alternatively, if you don’t have any, go to a local library.) Stand in front of the books and close your eyes. Ask to be drawn to a specific book that will help reveal your spirit guide. I encourage closing your eyes as you do this so that you aren’t influenced by bias. Let your inner feelings guide you. When you feel a pull, run your hands over the bookcase or pile of books. Pick the book you feel most drawn to (remember to keep your eyes shut!). Then, either open the book at random and quickly look at the page, or wait for a page number to pop into your mind. Read what is in front of you.

Sometimes bibliomancy takes practice because it requires you to have a strong connection to your intuition. Other times, you won’t receive a direct response, but will instead receive a clue. Remember, spirit guides are powerful beings with their own personalities. Calling on them will not necessarily make them want to reveal themselves to you straight away. Often, by concealing themselves and making you work to discover them, you learn important lessons along the way.

5. Visualization

One relatively simple way of contacting your spirit guides is through visualization. There are quite a few spirit guide visualizations already out there on the internet which you might like to try out. You might even like to create your own visualization by listening to soothing music and imagining that you are walking down dark a staircase into a white room. Remember to always set an intention for your visualization. In this case, it would be, “I wish to connect with my spirit guide” or similar.

6. Plant medicine journeying

OK, a word of warning. This is not a lukewarm approach – and it certainly isn’t for the faint-hearted. If you are serious about connecting with your guides, I highly recommend shamanic journeying with plant medicines such as ayahuasca, psilocybin mushrooms, and mescaline with trusted healers or shamans. Even marijuana, in the right ceremonial setting, can open a doorway into the ‘other side.’

Please note that journeying with sacred plant medicine doesn’t always bring what you want – it brings what you need. So while you may have the intention to meet your spirit guides, you might instead be tossed into a cosmic inner-space voyage or a subterranean sacred geometrical ego-death experience. It all depends on you and the medicine you need right now. (Note: please ensure you are mentally balanced before entering these trips.)

7. Trance

No, I’m not referring to a genre of music. I’m referring to a state of mind, as in, a half-conscious state. You know that strange mental space you enter before you go to sleep (technically called the hypnogogic state)? That is the state we’re aiming for. When you are in a trance, your mind is open and receptive. It no longer has the typical filters of conscious waking reality. As such, this state is perfect for connecting with your spirit guides.

Many ancient cultures used trance to ‘connect with the gods.’ Different ways of entering trance include self-hypnosis, various breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, watching a pendulum, visualization, drumming, and dancing. Read our article on inducing trance for more guidance.

8. Nature Immersion

When you take the time to look and pay attention, nature is sublimely magical. It is also a beautiful place to come in contact with your spirit guides (particularly animal spirits and trans-species beings).

Find someplace outside. Sit in a park, by a river or stream, or go hiking. Look at the clouds, bodies of water, and trees. Can you glimpse any faces? What animals keep appearing that have seemed to accompany you for a while?

Just the other week I was staring at the clouds. Out of nowhere, one particular cloud morphed into the face of Pan. I interpreted this as a clear reminder of his constant presence in my life. And yes, while this could have been a product of my imagination, the very fact that I interpreted the cloud as showing the face of Pan speaks a lot about my personal unconscious.

9. Look For Synchronicity

Synchronicity is another word for meaningful coincidence. Have you ever seen repetitive numbers (such as 3333, 1111, 1212), names, or symbols arise in your life? Pay attention. These often carry important messages.

In order to use the synchronicity technique for contacting your spirit guides, set an intention. I set intentions by saying prayers. Here is an example, “Dear Spirit, if it is your will, please help me discover my spirit guides. Please send me signs each day that I can understand. Thank you.”

Every day, look out for unusual and repetitious signs, names, symbols, places, or objects that appear. Keep a notebook and record your observations. After one week, reflect on what you have seen. Are you been shown something? Synchronicity works best when we are in touch with our inner selves so ensure that you are practicing mindful awareness.

Must read books from authors that inspired the film, Time is Art

Books, more books and even more books!  Some of authors of these books inspired the film also appear in Time is Art, while others continue to inform and transform this ongoing documentary series. Topics include synchronicity, consciousness, morphic fields, symbology, crop circles, the Maya, art, our relationship to plants, cosmic cycles and history and much more.

Screen Shot 2015-07-05 at 5.34.07 PM This is the extraordinary book that initiated the Harmonic Convergence in August 1987 and awakened the world to the Mayan Calendar. In it, Jose Arguelles revealed three revolutionary ideas: that a great moment of human transformation awaited us as we approached 2012: that there are galactic “seasons” and that the Maya accurately recorded them; and that each person had the capability to connect directly with the energy of a beam emanating from the galactic center that contains the power to awaken the higher mind. Also inspired the film, Time is Art. More Info

tarnasCosmos and Psyche by Richard Tarnas
From a philosopher whose magisterial history of Western thought was praised by Joseph Campbell and Huston Smith comes a brilliant book that traces the connection between cosmic cycles and archetypal patterns of human experience. Drawing on years of research and on thinkers from Plato to Jung, Richard Tarnas explores the planetary correlations of epochal events like the French Revolution, the two world wars, and September 11. Whether read as astrology updated for the quantum age or as a contemporary classic of spirituality, Cosmos and Psyche is a work of immense sophistication, deep learning, and lasting importance. Richard Tarnas appears in Time is Art. More info>

In this exciting book, former NASA computer scientist Amy Lansky, author of the best-selling book on homeopathy, Impossible Cure (, takes you on a voyage of discovery to your inner Self. Get ready for an exploration of the esoteric, grounded in an intriguing model of reality based on higher dimensions in space. She appears in Time is Art.  More Info


crop circlesSparked by their curiosity, thousands of people have contributed to the study of Crop Circles around the world. Amongst the many who have contributed to the investigation of this phenomenon there are very few who would claim to have found the answer to its mystery. I am proud to count myself among them. This work is an attempt–only–to sketch a framework for deeper consideration of the question of Crop Circles. If you are looking for an answer, or a solution to this phenomenon’s riddle, best to look elsewhere. At best, I hope to offer only a direction, a route by which to begin tracking something very elusive (yet that seemingly wants us to follow it). For all those who have engaged with this phenomenon for some time, it is a source of deepening wonder and it is to that experience that you are invited. By Gary Bobroff (appears in Time is Art). More info

Screen Shot 2015-07-05 at 5.15.42 PMScience Set Free by Rupert Sheldrake
Why do many phenomena defy the explanations of conventional biology and physics? For instance, when laboratory rats in one place have learned how to navigate a new maze, why do rats elsewhere in the world seem to learn it more easily? Rupert Sheldrake describes this process as morphic resonance: the past forms and behaviors of organisms, he argues, influence organisms in the present through direct connections across time and space. Calling into question many of our fundamental concepts about life and consciousness, Sheldrake (appears in Time is Art) reinterprets the regularities of nature as being more like habits than immutable laws.
More info

man&symbolsMan and His Symbols by Carl Jung
Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) was a Swiss psychiatrist, an influential thinker and the founder of analytical psychology (also known as Jungian psychology). Jung’s radical approach to psychology has been influential in the field of depth psychology and in counter-cultural movements across the globe. Jung is considered as the first modern psychologist to state that the human psyche is “by nature religious” and to explore it in depth. His many major works include “Analytic Psychology: Its Theory and Practice,” “Man and His Symbols,” “Memories, Dreams, Reflections,” “The Collected Works of Carl G. Jung,” and “The Red Book.”


Synchronicity by Carl Jung
Jung was intrigued from early in his career with coincidences, especially those surprising juxtapositions that scientific rationality could not adequately explain. He discussed these ideas with Albert Einstein before World War I, but first used the term “synchronicity” in a 1930 lecture, in reference to the unusual psychological insights generated from consulting the I Ching. A long correspondence and friendship with the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Wolfgang Pauli stimulated a final, mature statement of Jung’s thinking on synchronicity, originally published in 1952 and reproduced here. Together with a wealth of historical and contemporary material, this essay describes an astrological experiment Jung conducted to test his theory. Synchronicity reveals the full extent of Jung’s research into a wide range of psychic phenomena.

Synchronicity: Empower Your Life with the Gift of Coincidence by Chris Mackey
Synchronicity: the uncanny and fortuitous timing of events that seems to go beyond pure chance. Synchronicity can act as a guide along our life path, helping us through challenging times and nudging us toward self-fulfillment.Psychologist Chris Mackey offers astounding case studies, alongside a lucid explanation of the brain science underlying synchronicity and many practical suggestions for working with it, from journaling and symbol analysis to dream interpretation and ideas for accessing flow. He is convinced that synchronicity has a crucial role to play in helping us “go within” and tap intoour intuitive and spiritual selves. More info:

The flagship title of Sync Book Press. 26 artists, writers and bloggers share their experiences and perspectives on the strange and beautiful universe in which we live. Alan Abbadessa-Green + Goro Adachi + Jason Barrera + Douglas Bolles + Peg Carter + Tommy Fulks + Kevin Halcott + Kyle Hunt + Sibyl Hunter + Stefan Jablonski + Jeremy + Andras Jones + Crystal Kanarr + Jon Kidd + Jake Kotze + Neil Kramer + Rammer Martínez-Sánchez + Justin Gray Morgan + Will Morgan + Christopher “C” Myers + Eunus Noe + Jennifer Palmer + Jim Sanders+ Michael Schacht + Toure + Steve Willner Cover design and chapter icons by Justin Gray Morgan. More info

love frequencyHealing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse by Dr. Leonard Horowitz

The Solfeggio frequencies were essentially rediscovered in the mid-1970’s by Dr. Joseph Puleo, a physician and one of America’s leading herbalists. Dr. Puleo claimed to have been intuitively guided to examine the Book of Numbers (4th book of the Hebrew Bible and 4th of five books of the Jewish Torah). In Chapter 7 of the Book, between Verses 12 and 83, Dr. Puleo used a Pythagorean method of reducing to the verse numbers and uncovered a pattern of six repeating codes. The Love frequency, 528 Hz is part of the six sacred Solfeggio tones, core creative frequencies of the Universe.

Food of The Gods by Terence Mckenna
An exploration of humans’ symbiotic relationships with plants and chemicals presents information on prehistoric partnership societies, the roles of spices and spirits in the rise of dominator societies; and the politics of tobacco, tea, coffee, opium, and alcohol. “An eloquent proposal for recovering something vital—a sense of the sacred, the transcendent, the Absolute—before it’s too late.”—Larry Dossey, M.D., author of Meaning & MedicineRecovering the Soul, and Space, Time & Machine

surfers of the zuvuya Surfers of the Zuvuya: Tales of Interdimensional Travel
Book by José Argüelles
Join José Argüelles and his higher self-his “dimensional double,” Uncle Joe Zuvuya–on a journey from the center of the earth to the outermost reaches of the galaxy Uncle Joe instructs Arg elles in Mayan etheric engineering, Arcturian space stations, Atlantean family histories, and much more.


More books from the Law of Time Press
The Cosmic History Chronicles by José Argüelles/Valum Votan & Stephanie South/Red Queen
Galactic Meditation: Entering the Synchronic Order
Time, Synchronicity and Calendar Change The Visionary Life and Work of José Argüelles

Additional Books
The Mayan Code: Time Acceleration and Awakening the World Mind by Barbara Hand Clow
Return of the Divine Sophia: Healing the Earth Through the Lost Wisdom Teachings of Jesus, Isis and Mary Magdalene by Tricia McCannon

Sync Stories: Finding Your Teacher & The Tipping Point of Human Awakening

Reiki Master, Spiritual Healer & Advisor​, Amanda-Rachel, shares her synchronicities leading up to finding her teacher and her purpose as an energy worker. Reiki Master, Anthony Sims, also joins in on the discussion about the tipping point of human awakening (11% of the population or 800+ million people).

More about Amanda-Rachel
From a young age she was continually picking up minerals, searching for crystals, and spending as much time in nature as she possibly could. Through a series of synchronistic events, she found herself returning to that state of wonder surrounding herself with the luminous conscious creations of Mother Earth. By following her highest excitement, she has changed and improved her life by 100 x and then some, shedding what no longer serves in a lifestyle of continuous improvement through Crystal Healing.

Support our next film, Time is Art: The Frequency of Love by contributing to our upcoming crowdfunding campaigns. More info @

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IG @Amanda.Rachel

Produced & Directed by Katy & Joel Mejia
Things Are Changing Productions, LLC

Synchronicity, the soul and our mental health

mental healthOne of the clearest emerging directions for mental health interventions in the 21st-century is the need to acknowledge a spiritual dimension in life. Spirituality partly involves a belief in some larger consciousness beyond ourselves that affects our lives. Religious people might refer to God, whereas others might consider that they receive messages or guidance from the universe. Mental health practitioners who ignore this widespread belief are likely to be less effective in helping many who access their services.

I learnt at a recent international psychotherapy conference that more people pay to receive help from alternative healers, including psychics, mediums and other spiritual advisers, than conventional mental health practitioners. It was speculated that therapy as usual fails to “sing to people’s soul”. Apart from ignoring the spiritual dimension it can same too mundane and reductionistic in its explanations. It is quite limiting to consider sufferers’ challenging life experience mainly in terms of biochemical imbalances in their brain, their habits or their consciously accessible negative thoughts. There seems to be more of a story to people’s struggles than that.

This is partly why I have been intrigued by my clients’ experiences of synchronicity, or meaningful coincidences, and what might be gained from them. Many people mistakenly believe that if you have a scientific bent then you need to believe that any coincidence, however striking, only occurs as a result of random chance. That seems to be an example of overly reductionistic thinking.

Many people believe that remarkable coincidences have non-randomly altered their lives in a way that seemed “meant to be”. Such experiences have been described as “sacred moments”. This might include a very improbable coincidental encounter with their future life partner or uncannily meeting someone who helped them solve a complicated problem. Many believe that synchronistic experiences have opened up uncommon career prospects or pointed them toward their life destiny.

On the other hand, negative events which block one’s current life path can also be considered to be meaningful, possibly leading to a change in direction or approach which might prove to be much more worthwhile. Not all meaningful coincidences are positive.

This doesn’t mean that we should just put all of our faith in responding to coincidences, and any interpretation we make of them, to point us in an optimal direction. Of course we’d best guide our life choices by drawing on rationality, or reason backed by objective evidence. However, we might additionally draw on our deeper intuition, something so often ignored in the mental health field.

Many people believe that if anyone finds a significant meaning in any coincidence they are reading too much into the situation, which should just be seen as a curiosity related to random chance. Many believe that seeing potential value in synchronicity is superstitious and unscientific.

However, a scientific mind involves more than being appropriately sceptical. Being a good scientist first involves being a good observer, and then testing one’s inferences against objective evidence. In the case of synchronicity this includes exploring whether strikingly meaningful coincidences can be adequately explained by random chance alone. I believe many examples I’ve heard can’t be realistically explained away like that. It comes down to our own direct personal experience.

At a recent milestone birthday, I asked my guests to bring me a written story about a meaningful coincidence as a gift. Around 40% of my guests contributed a story for my synchronicity jar, often about some most remarkable coincidences. They included lives being miraculously saved, including improbable events preventing someone’s suicide attempt, very frequently going to ring someone at the exact moment they ring you, or improbable encounters with aquaintances in a large foreign city or country.

Intriguingly, a recent British survey of over 200 therapists found that 44% reported that they had experienced synchronicity in the therapy setting, and that two thirds of the therapist respondents thought that acknowledging such experiences could be useful in therapy. There are clearly changes afoot in acknowledging soul in psychotherapy.

We might keep in mind that the Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung, developed his ideas of synchronicity following discussions with Albert Einstein about his unconventional notions of space and time. Jung wrote about synchronicity decades later with the active encouragement of Wolfgang Pauli, a founder of quantum physics. There is no inherent conflict between considering science and soul. Interestingly, the first international Science and Spirituality conference will be held in Vancouver in June this year. No doubt this will help stimulate further change in the psychotherapy world and in our broader culture.

Chris Mackey is a Fellow of The Australian Psychological Society and author of Synchronicity: Empower your life with the gift of coincidence (see

Why We Should Never Ignore Synchronicity

By The Alchemist 

It’s really freaky sometimes but it’s also a glimpse of what lies beneath our senses. This World, well…our material World, isn’t perfect. Although, almost everything on Earth is made in a way to convince us, that material world is the only truth, there are some moments when we realize that there is so much more. This is the time of synchronicities, a time of Magical Awakening.

Synchronicities and Carl Jung

Synchronicity is a concept, first introduced by analytical psychologist Carl Jung, which holds that events are “meaningful coincidences” if they occur with no causal relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related.

Roderick Main, in ‘Jung on Synchronicity and the Paranormal‘ stated very clearly that : “The culmination of Jung’s lifelong engagement with the paranormal is his theory of synchronicity, the view that the structure of reality includes a principle of acausal connection which manifests itself most conspicuously in the form of meaningful coincidences. Difficult, flawed, prone to misrepresentation, this theory none the less remains one of the most suggestive attempts yet made to bring the paranormal within the bounds of intelligibility. It has been found relevant by psychotherapists, parapsychologists, researchers of spiritual experience and a growing number of non-specialists. Indeed, Jung’s writings in this area form an excellent general introduction to the whole field of the paranormal.”

3 Reasons Why We Should NEVER Ignore Synchronicities

  1. Synchronicities are the moments when our Higher Self attempts to establish a magical connection. It’s the moment we actually get a taste of our divine nature. When this happens, our cells and our astral bodies are synchronized with the universe and therefore we channel very important messages for us and our lives the ones we love. Messages we cannot receive in another way.
  2. It’s a window of opportunity. When synchronicities happen, we probably get this very intense feeling when time bends. It bends so we can have the time to act and connect more.
  3. They don’t happen often if we neglect them. We should focus on this signal to magnify its effect.

So let’s get to the chase. Which are the most common and powerful synchronicities?

11:11, time is art, 1111

1. Seeing Repeating Numbers all the time! 

Numbers are the patterns this world is made of. Universe frequently loves to talk to us via numbers and numerology. Do you often see the same number all over you? Is your clock always showing the same number? If you feel hunted by a repeating number you may experience an extremely powerful synchronicity.  Here’s a guide. 

  • What to do if numbers haunt you: If that’s true then you should probably memorize this number and look for the answer that’s probably implied within the digits.

2. Seeing the Same Animals Over and Over Again!

Animals are agents of our Mother Earth. Every species vibrate on a special frequency. When time is right, animals are attracted by cosmic signals, attracting them to special places only to deliver a message. Some animals are harbingers of doom or divine intervention. Here’s a guide of Animal presence. 

Moreover, animals may perform mannerisms or moving patterns, which may form a special kind of symbols or runes.

  • What to do if animals follow you: If certain animals seem to be attracted by your presence you may want to contact the Totem Animal of this species and ask why is this happening.
  • What to do if animals form certain patterns: If this happens memorize the talisman and look for its meaning!

3. Experiencing Déjà-Vu

Déjà-Vu is this feeling when you somehow have lived this exact moment again! This may be a loophole to contact your Higher Self and your Guardian Angel. It’s NO coincidence. On the Contrary, you are Just getting Synchronized with your Magical Powers, experiencing an amazing moment of truth!

  • What to do if you have a Déjà-Vu: Meditate right Now! If possible, stop what you are doing and go to a meditative state. Ask Yourself (your Higher Self) why are you feeling this? If you pay attention to this feeling, Déjà-Vu will come back again! I’ve actually experience a 30minutes Déjà-Vu, knowing EXACTLY what is going to happen, before actually happening! You can do it!

4. Thinking of Someone and then seeing him/her or receiving a phone call 

This is an amazing synchronicity. It’s been a while since you last talked to Mary. By against all odds, you are somehow thinking of her! Then, right after a while, you  actually greet her in the streets or you receive a call or text from her! Coincidence? No of course not. Do you know what are chances for this to happen? Believe me, it’s more possible to win the lottery.

But why is this happening? Probably because you developed a strong telepathic link which actually led to this amazing communication, attracting each other.

  • What to do if this happens: You should probably start trying to develop your telepathic abilities. Moreover, you should try to figure out, why did this happen with this person. What does this person symbolizes for you? Could this be an omen?

5. Thinking of an Old Song and then immediately listening to it 

What an odd situation. Again, this is extremely ‘lucky’ because the chances to win the lottery are of course higher. It is no coincidence.

But why does this happen? Maybe because you start to develop prophetic abilities, receiving glances of the future. You are probably extremely intuitive and this power is expressed this way, so you can take it seriously, without any doubt!

  • What to do: If this happens, HAVE FUN WITH THE SONG! Show the universe how much you appreciate it! Send a grateful message. When the song is gone, go to a meditative state and ask your Higher Self what did this mean. Is the song an omen trying to prepare you for something that’s coming? Maybe it’s an advice? Keep of asking for signs! Here’s a guide!

6. Hearing the Answer to a Question that bothers you from a Random Stranger 

You are bothered by something yet you don’t know what’s the right answer. And then, someone is saying something on the phone, which you accidentally happen to hear! Could what he just said be the answer to your Question?

It’s very common to receive a solution from a random stranger who is accidentally speaking to his friend or saying something on the phone. They say that God(s) works in mysterious ways. This might be a divine intervention, this might be the ‘voice of God’ speaking to you directly.

  • What to do: If this happens, try to remember the conversation. Observe what is happening around this stranger. What is s/he wearing? Memorize the message and the colors which may actually serve as messengers. Here’s a guide for Color Messages. 

time is art, film, movie, documentary

7. Something Reminds you of Dream you had Last Night

Throughout human history, it’s extremely common to receive divine messages via Dream World. Many prophets or Saints had the ability to foresee the future through important dreams.

Witches know that Dreams are a Realm, equally real to our Material One. Moreover, s/he who has mastered to willingly travel to the Real of Dreams is called Dreamworker or ‘Dreamwalker.

  • What to do if this happens: To access the Realm of Dreams requires patience and practice. However, if something like this happens you need to write it down and begin a Dreamjournal. This will help you monitor your experiences in the Dream World which may actually be much more meaningful that you might think. See here how to do so. 

Time is Art Now Available on Amazon

amazon, time is artThrough international screenings, word of mouth, social media, Vimeo’s VOD platform, DVD & Blu-ray sales, this inspiring documentary film, Time is Art, continues to be seen by true seekers.  Now the film is available on Amazon instant video (currently US & UK only)!

Indie filmmakers have the power like never before to reach niche audiences and with your help, even more people will be exposed to the film’s powerful messages explored through art and the lens of synchronicity.

Please help spread the word by rating the film on IMDB and reviewing the film in Amazon.

Thank you for your incredible support and for sharing this film with the world! Again, only with your help, will we be able to fund the making of the sequel (working title; Time is Art: The Currency of Love.  The time is now to watch this film and share with friends!

Please read more about the follow up film at

time is art, documentary, film, movie, the sync movie, synchronicity

Universal Synchronization, Destiny & Fate

by Helen Elizabeth Williams

Universal synchronization happens all the time in our lives but the simplest way of explaining it is coincidence. All the incidents that happen in our lives have nothing to do with luck but everything to do with positive energies working for us from sources beyond our control.

People are fond of the word “coincidently” but, in reality, none of the important things in life happen by accident.

The unseen realm has a way of aligning events so that we meet the people we are supposed to meet and learn the lessons that we are destined to master (be it sooner or later).

These events may appear to be utterly coincidental, but, for example, meeting the person that you were just thinking about, even though you haven’t met in years, should make you rethink the theory of “universal synchronization” or  synchronicity.

Examples of Universal Synchronization

A common example of synchronicity is to pick up the phone to call someone you have not spoken to in a while, only to receive a call from that very person, at that exact moment — you can bet it is more than simple coincidence, so you should set up a meeting and see if there’s a lesson manifesting for one of the two.

A more complicated example of synchronicity, one that is mostly overlooked, is the following:

You are driving around a full parking lot for what seems to be ages, until a car suddenly frees up a space right in front of you. Moments later, as you go about your business, you stumble across someone very important or dear to you.

 If you would have found an empty parking spot a minute before or after the moment you did, the meeting would have never taken place — but that car pulled out just in right moment to make your meeting manifest.

And, sometimes, for an important universal synchronization to take place, years of preparations are needed. A series of events may unfold, spanning for long periods of time, so that , eventually, you end up in the right place and at the right time for your lesson/ mission/ meeting to manifest.

What we would like to interpret as luck, good fortune or coincidence is just nature’s way of showing us that the universe is interconnected through matter and space.

The number of times the universe synchronizes our experiences is numerous but, unfortunately, we are rarely capable of recognizing synchronicities as they happen.

Just think about how many people found their soul mates on a different continent. How many things had to happen for both of them to be in the same place and at that same time, emotionally available, and open for a long distance relationship?

If you stay aware of what is happening to and around you, then you will soon realize that all important life events are synchronized in one way or another.

Life is truly one big symphony of events, people and places that are aligned to your soul’s journey.

Destiny VS. Fate

Western dogma might lead you to think that your whole life was pre-planned and you merely walk in line to meet a pre-defined destiny, but this is not the case.

Sure, there are beings working in the higher realms to make synchronicities happen (every time I spot a synchronicity taking place, I immediately think about the Agents of Fate from The Adjustment Bureau film), but it is entirely up to us if we want to take on a challenge or proceed with a new lesson.

carl jung

We have the liberty to choose how to proceed after a synchronicity takes place and, whatever happens as a result of our actions, is known as fate.

Destiny, on the other hand, is an event that will happen to us no matter what, because we have agreed upon before incarnating on Earth.

The whole point of experiencing life on Earth, is to learn invaluable lessons through experimentation and, eventually, complete the incarnation cycle.

So keep your eyes open for Universal Synchronization events and search for the deeper meaning behind them.

Pyramid Art, Synchronicity & Timelessness

Mark Dolamore
Mark Dolamore

By Mark Dolamore

The Pyramid will open your mind to the force of timelessness. It’s the most startling of three images, which is part of a triptych piece of systems art. The visually expressed calculation is a mathematical system employing a simple formula and this Jewel Mandala, designed to reconfigure binary coded data. These codes are expressed in identical form, but one is ancient and the other recent. So far so good… but, something very strange happens in the process. A level of meaning that shouldn’t exist is revealed. In other words, the art uncovers evidence for a timeless intelligence, irrevocably ensconced in our unconscious mindscape. The art came into being by developing my synergy with this force.

The Pyramid is different from any other art because it emerged from the Jungian observational phenomenon implicating feedback with a holistic force of change. You see, at a point in my late 20’s, my consciousness transformed over night to include synchronicity. The Pyramid emerged by assiduously pursuing it as a guide. If you want to make a start down that road yourself, check out my user interface:

Pyramid Art has all the characteristics of a language, but it’s not designed for idle chat. My psychological transformation allowed me to view all events holistically, as the expression of nature’s self organised intelligence, seen clearly through intuitive and freaky things, like déjà vu, synchronicity and such like. Albert Einstein said: “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind a faithful servant, but we’ve created a society honouring the servant that forgets the gift”. In my view, the collective amnesia is the result of a generalised conceit that prevents our individual genius from developing. It means in normal circumstances, we act like we’re in the thrall of a parasite, related to the force of mind I spoke of earlier. So, since Pyramid Art represents mathematical evidence we can align ourselves consciously by following synchronicity, to acquire synergy with that force of mind… I suggest it’s the paradigm shift humanity needs to pursue now, for civilisation to survive itself.

Great Art captures something unseen, if only as an impression. Pyramid Art goes one step further because it’s generated by a mathematical system and reveals something of potential use. It also supports the notion of a sublime state, within and beyond this world, an immortal force of mind we can tap into in real time, through what Carl Jung referred to as the Collective Unconscious. Pyramid art was produced by combining information that must have been placed by this force, in an obscure pair of binary code sequences. Conventional logic “knows” the Pyramid should be meaningless, yet it’s consistently meaningful at every level, and because it’s the result of guiding synchronicity and is also systematic and mathematical, it can only originate from the absolute source of beauty beyond our perception, the force of nature we think of as divine… Is God willing to teach us the art of alliance?

The centre of the Pyramid offers the clue. The arrow pointing east, with letter ‘N’, suggests a spiritual compass. The instrument points to an image representing a natural kind of feedback, known as the Butterfly Effect. The image is “drawn” as a signature, in one line, changing direction just four times and describing the beast in flight, with its four wings, body, head and antennae. Furthermore, when the arrow is turned to point north, the Pyramid now points west, symbolising modernity and innovation, while the central image transforms to the messianic symbol of the first and last letters of the alphabet.

The central component of the triptych, this Jewel Mandala or JM, is the crucial part of the formula. A mandala is a schematic arrangement of psychic archetypes, like the alchemists’ elements. Here they’re borrowed from an oriental philosophy. The JM was designed strictly following synchronicity. It’s also the window where the source codes are converted to symbols. These codes come from the I Ching, also known as “The Book of Changes”. The lower code strip of binary coded data contributes to the mathematical system as the most familiar hexagram sequence, named after King Wen. In contrast, the upper code sequence, by Richard Wilhelm, the index arrangement from his twentieth century translation, is unknown in its pictured form. Roughly three thousand years separates them and neither author could have deliberately hidden the Pyramid in his work… by which we can conclude, whether we like it or not, nature’s force of timelessness used or inspired their creative minds and manipulates every one of us, 24/7… so we are not and never can be free. But what if a creative alliance could be acquired? Try using to tune-in and kick start yours.

Western civilisation, back in Roman times, celebrated feedback with nature in its conception of genius. Yet the modern scientific mindset has failed to formulate a theory connecting us to nature. It has no theory to explain how the mind works. That doesn’t prevent us from being intuitively inspired, though it must, inevitably limit us. In the effort to turn things around in this time of need, I expose my Pyramid as proof of my own alliance with nature’s timeless dimension. My art contains that unexplained kind of “genius”, which emerges via feedback in a way that can be traced back to its source.

The individuals who came up with the source codes for my Pyramid Art must have been influenced by the sublime beauty I speak of. If we trust life is the product of a benign universe, its purpose must be evolution through psychic re-connection, and with that, the prospect of spiritual immortality. However, one or two things are in our way. No matter how we may consider beauty to be a good thing, manipulation by an entity unseen, challenges our notion of justice, freedom and self awareness. It’s where the confusion about God, free will, the devil and our innate fear of the supernatural comes from.

Synchronicity brought me a coherent path of guidance, once I learned to follow it. The process began with difficulty. I was motivated to continue by trusting the timeless dimension as a holistic, creative agency that I felt I needed to align myself with. Since prehistoric times, until a few hundred years ago, when mankind, in his quest for truth and beauty, changed tack through the scientific method, a spiritual relationship to nature and the Gods, or the “Great Spirit” out there and within, was keenly sought by the brightest among us. That’s no longer the case, but maybe we should tack back some, reinvest ourselves spiritually, in light of my Pyramid discovery. After all, the motto inscribed at the spiritual source of Western civilisation, the temple of Apollo at Delphi, was the crux of the quest we must all subscribe to… “know thyself”. The Pyramid clarifies the labyrinthine confusion by knotting together threads of the puzzle; Eastern and Western, ancient and modern.

Nature’s creative force, its self organised intelligence, even in the modern context, can offer direction only when recognised and pursued. Science turns our heads away from such a course. Yet, logically, it’s imperative for the future of mankind we find synergy with nature. How do we intend to become receptive by using our currently undeveloped senses? Clearly, a perceptual upgrade is needed. Any of the Pyramid symbols suggests meaning, firstly through the cartoon-like image produced by the mathematical system, then as a combination of I Ching hexagrams. I have considered these things exhaustively, but feedback was responsible for revealing it all in the first place. Only your own experience of feedback with nature through synchronicity will allow you to appreciate and subscribe to this project. We all possess an unconscious link to timelessness, it’s a question of learning to exploit it.

In the 1980’s, science discovered a timeless force in the Quantum Field (QF), which unconsciously acts on the mind. More than 99% of the volume of our physical reality is QF nothingness within the atom. Our bodies contain zillions. In brain studies, there’s PET scan evidence to confirm something influences us before we even become aware of our own ideas. If the universe is the holistic quantum phenomenon science proclaims, then the mind must work as a function of it, connecting us unconsciously, to something eternal. If we are all aspects of nature’s self organised beauty, then we are not free at all… and what we think of as freedom is a delusion, a mirage constructed by our own excessively favourable opinion of our ability and importance, our conceit. The only true freedom we could attain, ironically, is a partnership with timelessness. I’ve shown, through my discovery of the Pyramid, the creative force of nature holds us in his thrall and awaits our conscious collaboration. That kind of synergy requires one decisive effort: relinquishing our mistaken concept of freedom.

Einstein, the archetypal genius and author of quantum theory said: “Intuition is the only real valuable thing.” He made best use of it to formulate his theories and transform our notion of reality. With first hand experience of synchronicity and a little fine tuning you too can transform yourself through the quantum dimension.

Changing our vision is far from easy, but note how the meaning of the central imagery of the Pyramid also changes when turned 90 degrees to point west. The compass image points north now and resembles the first and last letters of the modern, Roman alphabet, recalling the Alpha & Omega, first and last letters of the ancient Greek alphabet, badge of the Biblical Messiah. The butterfly soars above, having changed direction 180 degrees to fly west… so where did the 90 degrees extra gyration come from? Symbolically it represents transformed perception, acquired by allowing oneself to be lead synergistically.

The prospect of discovering nature’s hidden beauty moved me to embark on my quest. It culminated in the Jewel Mandala (JM), the middle image of the {{triptych}, so called because it looks like a gem. Each of the 28 lines represents two hexagrams. In addition, there are eight circles, representing hexagrams with identical upper and lower trigrams. The JM is the central component for unlocking the binary coded data. The importance of the JM was confirmed by apocalyptic synchronicity around the world, at the beginning and end of my creative time frame, over a long weekend. The first confirming event was the Michael Fish storm, which ravaged my homeland. This was followed, three days later, when the symbolism emerged, by Black Monday.

My artistic process pursued synchronicity to produce the Pyramid. From the beginning I had only faith some method to the madness would carry me through. Oscar Wilde said: “Life imitates art far more than art imitates life.” Sir Kenneth Clarke in his 1969 TV series Civilisation said: “All art is in one way or another about the search for God”. Albert Einstein said: “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind a faithful servant, but we’ve created a society honouring the servant that forgets the gift”. I think the Pyramid represents the cure for our collective amnesia.

You’ll be vaguely aware of the effects of timelessness in your dreams, déjà vu, Freudian slips, synchronicity, intuition and more. If channelling these things to a magical goal can work as it did in my case, then considering such effects seriously, as a form of guidance from nature, isn’t the madness it sounds, while the failure to do so is the real reason humanity’s in such a pickle.

I’m sure I’m not the first to experience the mind power of nature. I am however the first to bring forth mathematical evidence for my synergy. I’ve also devised a fun, fascinating and collaborative art work I invite you to join. It will help you tune-in to timelessness. It uses a form of synchronicity on demand, by harnessing fluctuations in the quantum field, via remote physics laboratory. It’s my contention, practising this art will develop your unconscious connection to nature, to surface in ways you currently cannot imagine. Feel free to join in at You can come back here any time and re-explore all the explanatory text links on the Pyramid Art button in the top menu.

Mark Dolamore now lives in France. In the mid 80’s, while living in London’s East end art ghetto, he underwent a “road to Damascus experience” that sent him to live in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on to Canada for a time and then back to Brazil before returning to Europe.