The Absurd Fantasy That We Are Alone in the Universe

ufowritten by V. Susan Ferguson

Earth’s current science has now seen over 300 billion galaxies in the universe. Can there be anyone who still believes in the absurd fantasy that we are alone in the universe? The fact that there are countless other life forms in the universe does not imply that there is no God. If anything the stunning depth of multiplicity and beauty ‘out there’ should affirm our faith and trust in the Creator. The Oneness is! Metaphysical wisdom from many sources reveals an eternal immutable inter-connecting force “beneath the curtain of each atom” [Sufi Mahmud Shabistari] and this invisible ‘substance’ for which there are no words is what we all are.

The Nobel Prize winning author Doris Lessing wrote a series of unique novels that are illuminating insights into the understanding that we here on planet Earth are but one of hundreds of planetary colonies. By the 1970s Lessing was influenced by Sufism and these sci-fi novels reflect her considerable and highly intelligent spiritual wisdom. Lessing’s ‘Canopus in Argos’ series are powerful enlightening tales that can open our modern minds to a profound understanding of the deeper meaning of life.

There is evidence in the Rig Veda verses that the people who wrote it originally came from the Arctic Circle, which was then a mild climate. They, like so many others, were forced to migrate to escape the ice and brought their knowledge as memory with them. [‘The Arctic Home in the Vedas’ by Lokmanya Bâl Gangâdhar Tilak; available online.]

In our current era we cannot even imagine the states of consciousness of these poet Seers who spontaneously spoke the stunningly beautiful Rig Veda verses. Their brain patterns would have been so completely different to ours. Telepathic and communicating through ‘sound-words’ comparable to spheres of multiple meanings, they would not think in a linear manner. The sounds would have contained and transmitted into the listeners many layers of ideas as states of consciousness, not merely as linear sentences – the way we think today.

I believe that the reason for numerous flawed and confusing translations of the Rig Veda is the glaring fact that our consciousness and our brain power, our ability to think in a deeper and non-linear manner, has so greatly devolved over the millennia through the Cycles of Time, that we have lost the all encompassing powers of perception naturally possessed by the Rishis/Seers who conceived the Rig Veda.

The Rig Veda Seers were carrying the consciousness of the previous cycles of time, the Satya Yuga and the Treta Yuga. Remember that writing was not invented until our current Kali Yuga era and is considered a degenerate symptom of this final cycle of time. Even the material world would have appeared quite differently in those days.

Scholars who translate the Rig Veda cannot agree on the meaning of the words and Indian writers admit that their meaning is ‘forced’ to adapt to preconceived beliefs. It is my view that the Rig Veda is not composed of linear sentences, but uses these ‘spherical’ logographic words that have with layers within layers, and simultaneously provide multiple meanings, which serve to illuminate and connect many fields such as history, science, and metaphysics. Here in our present day Kali Yuga we are trapped in, limited to the five senses, linear and compartmentalized thinking, and no longer have the higher ‘whole mind’ consciousness capable of grasping words as spheres containing layers of meaning.

The Sanskrit word ‘deva’ is traditionally translated as gods, but literally means light or the bright shining ones. In his book ‘The Celestial Key to the Vedas‘ B.G. Sidharth states, “the Rig Vedic deities are really very definite and subtle scientific entities [principles] and not tribal or semi-tribal gods.” B.G. Sidharth scientific research focuses on Particle Physics and Cosmology, and some feel that he should have received the Nobel Prize for his work in ‘dark energy’. His view is that Rig Vedic “hymns are not religious prayers, but astronomical and other scientific facts or discoveries deliberately and cleverly camouflaged.”

Indian authors have published a number of books that compare Vedic thought with modern science and quantum physics theories. Only a highly and technologically advanced civilization could have evolved the subtle ideas expressed in the Vedas.

The connection and correlation between the Sanskrit texts and quantum physics, Erwin Schrodinger’s cat, is well known. I have read six books by Indian scientists who are finding physics, string theory, quantum physics, and astronomy in the Sanskrit texts. These ideas are very subtle and could only have come from a more advanced civilization.

The ancient Seers were very aware that as we moved down through the Cycles of Time, our perceptions would diminish until we reach the point of being limited to the five senses. The Rishis knew that as ‘density’ increased and human consciousness devolved into a miasma of amnesia, we would not be able to comprehend words as ‘spheres’ of layered and multiple meanings. Therefore in order to preserve sacred Truth throughout the ensuing degeneration of human consciousness in Time, they encoded the eternal metaphysical principles that create, sustain, and destroy the universe into personified deities to make these abstract subtle concepts easier for limited five-sense perception to grasp.