Crop Circles, Star People and Transmissions Through Art

crop circle 2017

Recently, I’ve been inspired by the new crop circle formations in the UK (also shout out to Mr Gyro who provided the aerial shots of crop circles in our film, Time is Art). One interpretation of the purpose of the crop circles is to “trigger dynamic exploratory energy” which is a perfect description of what we all feel when we see the crop circle footage in the film (especially in regards to the editing process, we had to watch the 90 minute film over 20 times in order to finish it). We struggled to watch it again and again, yet when we got to the scene with the crop circles at about half way through, it seemed to help boost our energy so that we could continue the tedious process of making final tweaks.

One of the the latest glorious pieces of earth works is this Metatron’s Cube design.  The symbol is a Platonic Solid,  a shape from Sacred Geometry. They were first catalogued by the ancient philosopher, Plato (hence their name), although evidence of these most magical of shapes has been found around the world for in excess of 1,000 years prior to Plato’s documentation.  Also known as the Merkaba symbol  which used in many crop circles. What exactly does the symbol mean? The word Merkaba can be broken down thus: MER: rotating fields of light, KA: spirit, and BA: soul (this is taken from an 18th dynasty Egyptian translation, and in Hebrew it means ‘chariot’).  Therefore, Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit or energy body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, or spirals of energy (as with a strand of DNA), which transport spirit or consciousness from one dimension to another.

I have also been thinking about my own metaphysical and unexplained experiences.  Recently, I retold the story of discovering a clip of  UFO on our camera back when we first started shooting the film in San Francisco. I studied the mural again that I came across around the same time which always seems to spark my interest in the connection between Native Americans and Star People. I reread Richard Boylan’s article about  the 1996 ‘Star Knowledge Conference and Sun Dance, put on by Lakota (Sioux) spiritual leader Standing Elk (Laurance Zephier) in response to a vision he experienced. The vision showed that Native American spiritual knowledge about the Star Nations was to be shared with the larger non-Native world. This Conference also fulfilled ancient Hopi and Lakota prophecies.’  Beginning with this interpretation by an man of a particular crop circle. (I’m still digging up the correct image).

Excerpt by Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

Deer Man interpreted a recent Crop Circle design as containing a highly relevant message. This Crop Circle consisted of five concentric circles. The first four circles are like orbit paths around a central sun, with a planet-like “bead” imbedded in each orbit circle except the third one. The outermost ring is a chain of densely-packed “beads” of varying sizes. The entire Crop Circle is the Circle of Life. The four inner circles are the traditional Four Nations of humanity: white, yellow, red and black. The smallest circle near the nucleus is the White Race. Spirit gave the White Race responsibility for Fire. The White Man forgot his responsibility, and so aberrantly created the nuclear bomb. The White Race’s elliptical orbit indicates that it is out of balance. The second orbit is the Black Race, which has the responsibility for Water. They have forgotten their responsibility. As a result, the waters are contaminated, and this causes cancer. The third orbit is the Red Race, whose “planet-bead” is missing. The Red Race has responsibility for the Earth. Their “bead” is missing because the Red Nation still walks with the Tunkashilas (Grandfathers, spiritual guides). The fourth orbit is the Yellow Race, whose responsibility is the air. But Asian industrial factories pollute the air. Deer Man commented that “we have brought these imbalances on ourselves. The Red Race has responsibility for the land, but cannot do so because of herbicides, acid rain and underground nuclear testing.” Spirit told Deer Man that the other races were to follow the Red Way of Life too, but have lost it.

The outermost circle is the Star Nations. “The Star Nations are here to help us.” The Earth was out of balance, and is rebalancing its off-kilter. “We have to help the Earth come back into balance. Time as you know it is coming to an end, sooner than you think. There will not be cars or TVs.” He said that the Grandfathers taught him that we are coming to the end of the Fourth World. We are about to enter the Fifth World. [This concurs with similar Hopi prophecies.] “It will take Nine Worlds before we get to the Spirit World.”

Norbert Running, a Lakota Medicine Man, was one of the first to participate in the revived Sun Dance of modern times. He chastised latter-day Native American “neo-traditionalists” for being contaminated by Christian missionaries, believing in devils, and making up bureaucratic religion rules. Norbert Running said that most Indians on the reservations believe in the Natural Way of spirituality. He urged everyone to “cultivate Spirit Guides to help you in the life path.” He learned most of what he knows in the Yuwipi (Spirit Calling-In) Ceremony.
He told of legendary Sioux Elder Black Elk having a prophetic vision of racial unity, a rainbow lodge with the Four Nations together. He also spoke of the Hopi prophecy of Red and White brothers working together.

The chief Spiritual Elder of all the Maori people of Aotearoa (New Zealand), Mac Wiremu Ruka, accepted Standing Elk’s invitation to share the ancient truths and prophecies of his people.

Since age three, Elder Ruka had been taught the Maori genealogies, secrets and incantations of the cosmic and Earth realms. A special star alignment in 1988 told the old Maori Grandmothers that the time had arrived to bring out publicly the Old Stories which had been kept hidden for centuries, and that Elder Ruka was the one designated to speak.

The Maori Elder related accounts of the star origin of his people. In a moving candle-lit ritual, he created a twelve-woman ceremonial circle at the Conference to speak for Spirit and set the proper vibration for creating such awareness.

Choctaw Medicine Man Panther (Preston Scott) told of how he was designated to follow the path of the heyoka (sacred trickster). One day as a boy he was being walked to school by his mother. A dark storming cloud came up from the west. His mother told him to run to his grandfather’s house. He made it as far as his grandfather’s yard when a lightning bolt struck so close to him that the heat and energy flipped him over. He landed on his feet still running and went up on his grandfather’s porch. Being struck by lightning is Spirit designation as heyoka.

As an adult, Panther was climbing a hill one day and received a vision of three Grandfathers. He was told that he was going to go north to the Lakota land, where they would give him a foundation of spiritual knowledge to take back to his people, because the Choctaw had lost their spiritual ways. Now he is seeing spirituality rising among the Choctaw.

There are underground conferences being held all over the world sharing this knowledge. If you know of any events in the near future please add them in the comments below!

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