Do You Like What You See?

An excerpt from award-winning author Brent Marchant’s new book, Third Real: Conscious Creation Goes Back to the Movies

“Our environment, the world in which we live and work, is a mirror of our attitudes and expectations.” —Earl Nightingale

When we gaze into a mirror, we expect it to reflect back to us an accurate representation of what we look like. We assume that it’s going to provide us with a faithful rendition of our appearance, right down to the smallest of details. In fact, we take it for granted, so much so that, unless we’re laughing it up in front of one of those intentionally distortive fun house models, we don’t even give it a second thought.

The same should be true when we examine the state of our reality. According to the philosophy of conscious creation, which maintains that our existence is a direct outward reflection of our innermost thoughts, beliefs and intents, such is the case with the nature of our existence, right down to the minutest of qualities, “flaws” and all. But, unlike our assumptions about the fidelity of a mirror’s reflections, we sometimes take issue with the idea that our world is truly an accurate depiction of its metaphysical source material, comparable though our reactions should be to our looking glass expectations and experiences.

So what accounts for this disparity? In most cases, this is attributable to not having a good handle on the nature of our beliefs. If we don’t know what they are or misconstrue their meanings, then we might not be able to recognize them when they take their extrapolated physical forms (i.e., the elements that comprise our outer world reality). And, because of that, we can become confused, frustrated or even agitated about what appears before us, potentially leading us to all sorts of misinterpretations and attendant pitfalls.

When this happens, this naturally begs the question, “What are we to do? “ As this excerpt’s opening quote and various conscious creation texts, like Jane Roberts’s Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, state, the starting point is to take stock of the elements that give birth to our existence—our thoughts, beliefs and intents. We must then ask ourselves, “Do we like what we see?” If the answer is “yes,” great; if it’s “no,” then it’s time to consider implementing some changes. To do that, though, we need to work from the inside out, for what appears there initially will inevitably become manifested externally. And, if that doesn’t get us what we want, we need to go back and repeat the process—as many times as needed—a step designed to take us closer to the outcome we ultimately seek.

On the surface, this principle seems like common sense, one that most of us would probably view as reasonable and straightforward. So it should be a piece of cake to put into practice, right? Well, one would hope that’s the case, but, until we become proficient at employing it, this may not be as simple as it seems. For example, we may be unclear about the beliefs we hold. Or they could be hampered by conflicting agendas, such as those based on fear, doubt or contradiction, which can impede, undercut, distort or negate their effectiveness.

To resolve such issues, we must take out our metaphysical magnifying glass and scrutinize those thoughts, beliefs and intents to determine where refinements are needed. We must also be honest with ourselves with what we uncover, avoiding the temptation to retreat into fear or denial if they’re not precisely to our liking. Operating from a position of authenticity generally pays great dividends and should get us ever closer to the results we want.

Being able to see how our realities reflect our innermost thoughts, beliefs and intents may not be easy without tangible examples that show how they dictate our existence, so that’s where the power of film comes into play. For instance, through the experiences of a fictional character unexpectedly brought to life by his literary scribe (as seen in the offbeat comedy “Stranger Than Fiction” (2006)), a woman in search of a fresh start in the wilderness (as depicted in the heartfelt biopic “Wild” (2014)), a young lady’s quest to acknowledge her passions in a closed-off society (as explored in the English comedy of manners “A Room with a View” (1985)), a comedienne whose stand-up routine mirrors her everyday life (and vice versa) (as portrayed in the heartwarming domestic comedy “This Is My Life” (1992)) or an astronaut seeking to unlock the mystery of an enigmatic planet (as deciphered in the metaphysical sci-fi offering “Solaris” (2002)), we witness telling examples of these principles at work. Though the subject matter of each picture differs markedly from one title to the next, they all provide excellent showcases for how their respective existences come into being through the metaphysical input of those who create them, demonstrating this basic conscious creation principle at work.

For better or worse, mirrors show us the truth, whether in literal or metaphysically metaphorical contexts. We should have the courage to face—and accept—what we witness, as well as the fortitude and determination to change what needs to be altered. Indeed, should we faithfully follow these guidelines, we may find that our realities in fact do mirror—and reveal—what we need to see about ourselves. Let’s hope we’re paying attention.

To read more of Brent’s book, download a free PDF sample containing the front and back matter and the first three chapters.

A lifelong movie fan and longtime student of metaphysics, Brent Marchant is the award-winning author of Get the Picture?!: Conscious Creation Goes to the Movies (2007, 2014; 2016 New Age Nonfiction winner, National Indie Excellence Awards), Consciously Created Cinema: The Movie Lover’s Guide to the Law of Attraction (2014) and Third Real: Conscious Creation Goes Back to the Movies (2017), all of which offer reader-friendly looks at how “conscious creation” (also known as the “law of attraction”) is illustrated through film. He is also Featured Contributor for Smart Women’s Empowerment (, Movie Correspondent for The Good Radio Network (, and Contributor for New Consciousness Review magazine ( and The HAPI Guide ( His additional writing credits include contributions to BeliefNet, Library Journal, New Age News, VividLife magazine and Master Heart Magazine. Brent also maintains a regular blog about the subject of conscious creation and the movies on his web site (

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